CR917-4 Caramel Latte


Crystal Glaze värviküllaseid glasuure on lihtne kasutada. Glasuurides on erivärvilised kristallid, mis põletusahjus sulavad p

Transfer the brilliance of fireworks onto bisque with Crystals GlazesTM, the easiest glaze family to apply! Crystal pebbles of varied sizes are embedded in the glaze and burst during the firing process to reveal an explosion of multicolor flecks. The result is a distinctive and unique array of colors that even a novice artist can achieve.


õhivärvusesse. Pinsliga glasuuri peale kandes jäävad kristallid töödele erinevalt, seega ühtesuguse tooniga töid luua on keeruline.

Purgi mõõt: 118ml

Uute ja huvitavate toonide saamiseks kombineeri kristalle teiste läigete ja toonidega. Kristallidele sobib paremini programm 995-1060°C. Kõrgemate kuumustega programmide puhul soovitame eelnevalt teha proovitöö. Kristallid võivad kõrgkuumuses põleda laiali ja ei ole enam nii teravad.

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How to use:

  1. Stir glaze without disturbing crystals.
  2. Apply 2 coats to shelf cone 04 bisque.
  3. Mix in Crystals for 3rd coat.
  4. Apply crystals sparsely near bottom of the piece to keep crystals from flowing onto kiln shelf.
  5. Stilt and fire to shelf cone 06.
  6. Clean up with water.
  7. Always refer to label instructions for proper application and usage.

Tips & Techniques

  1. To create custom looks, apply Crystals in combination with other glazes and other colors.
  2. Crystals work well to high fire cone 5-6. For high fire application, we recommend firing a test piece because high fire clays vary.