CC165-16 Black Brown


Cover-Coat® Opaque Underglazes are formulated for both greenware and bisque and provide opaque color coverage, even when applied over another color. These clay, water-based underglazes fire to a porous matte finish; apply a clear glaze for shiny color.


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How to use:

  1. Apply 3 coats to greenware, soft-fired bisque or cone 04 bisque.
  2. Fire to shelf cone 04 to permanently adhere Cover-Coats to ware.
  3. Apply clear glaze if desired and fire to shelf cone 06.
  4. Clean up with water.

Tips & Techniques

  1. Cover-Coats may be tinted using E-Z StrokesTM or other Cover-Coats, to create unique custom colors.
  2. Cover-Coats are perfect for airbrushing and brushwork. 5
  3. To create carved designs, sgraffito (gently scratch through the applied color to reveal the color or the clay body beneath it).
  4. Painting with Cover-Coats is similar to painting with acrylic paints and is a great fired alternative for a tole and decorative painter. Colors are opaque and generally one color covers the one beneath it. They must be fired to ensure maturation and stability. Clear glazes over all shows the truest colors.
  5. Cover-Coats are great for layering because they dry quickly and can be painted over without lifting the colors underneath.